Dr. Lorio will assess your vertigo symptoms. He may also ask about past treatments like medications, therapy, appliances, splints, as well as any medical conditions, to get a sense of your treatment history.
General Dentistry Vertigo Treatment
We Can Communicate With Your Dentist And Other Healthcare Providers
Dr. Lorio can stay in contact with dentist and other healthcare providers to update them on your diagnosis and treatment. Be sure to bring your provider details along with you to your appointment.
What Is Vertigo? How Is It Different From Normal Dizziness?
Dizziness is the sensation of being off-balance or unsteady on your feet. It can be caused by anything from hunger, dehydration, and migraines to stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, and the side effects of medications. In most cases, dizzy spells are acute incidents that resolve quickly.
Vertigo, on the other hand, creates the sensation that you are spinning or that the world is spinning around you. This type of dizziness can be caused by factors like illness or migraine, but it's more often caused by a physical problem with the balance of the inner ear.
Vertigo frequently goes away on its own because the inner ear adapts to the changes, but those who suffer from chronic vertigo may be helped from treatment by Dr. Lorio to restore their quality of life.
How Can TMJ Disorder Trigger Vertigo?
In essence, a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder can trigger vertigo because of the close proximity and relationship between the ear and the TMJ. The same nerve that supplies the muscles associated with the TMJ and the teeth supplies some muscles of the ear. Dysfunction of the bite can lead to dysfunction of the muscles, which can lead to dysfunction of that nerve. The result could be vertigo.
There have been numerous scientific articles relating vertigo and TMJ disorder. Vertigo is often associated with the vestibular system of the ear.

I Think I Have Vertigo. What Happens Next?
Dr. Lorio recommends you visit an ENT doctor for a vertigo diagnosis. If the doctor cannot determine the cause or their treatments do not provide relief, we welcome you to schedule an appointment at our Baton Rouge, LA, dental office. Dr. Lorio can put his TMJ expertise to work by determining if TMJ disorder could be an underlying cause of your vertigo. He can consult, then evaluate you to devise a treatment plan with the hope of alleviating your symptoms.
Why do patients from around the country visit Dr. Keith Lorio in Baton Rouge for help with vertigo and other TMJ symptoms? Because:
- Dr. Lorio is one of approximately 20 dentists in the U.S. to complete the eight-stage OC GNM Masterclass curriculum for TMJ disorder treatment
- He has studied under many TMJ experts seen as global authorities in TMJ disorders and has learned several methods to treating TMD
- He uses a science-backed approach that considers how the teeth, muscles, joints, and ears are connected
- He has successfully treated patients who have not found relief from many previous treatments
Dr. Lorio’s pedigree includes hands-on training from leaders in the field, in-depth TMJ disorder knowledge, and proven treatment options that have helped where other treatments have failed. If vertigo is taking a toll on your day-to-day life, let our doctor determine whether your TMJ could be a cause. Contact us online or call our office in Baton Rouge, LA, at:
(225) 769-4848

You Have Treatment Options No Matter Where You Are in Your Journey
Even if you feel you've exhausted all your options to find relief from vertigo and other TMJ symptoms, don't give up hope before you've met Dr. Lorio. He and our Baton Rouge team take pride in finding effective solutions for patients who haven't had success with other options. Whether this is your first time seeking treatment or your tenth, our goal is to be the practice that can provide you the right treatment to help your problem.
Other TMJ Disorder Symptoms You Should Be Aware Of
Not certain if a TMJ disorder is the cause of your vertigo? Other TMJ disorder signs to watch for include frequent headaches, TMD migraines, a sore face or head, or pain or fullness in the ears. Dr. Lorio will conduct a comprehensive assessment of your symptoms during your consultation in Baton Rouge, LA.
Steps to Provide Relief From Vertigo
Vertigo Consultation
Medical Consultation
If you have not already done so, our Baton Rouge office will likely recommend a physician consult to ensure you do not have a tumor, sinus infection, ear infection, disc problem, arteritis, or other underlying issues.
Vertigo Evaluation
We will evaluate musculoskeletal signs and symptoms that could be contributing to your vertigo. Our doctor often uses advanced equipment and imaging to assess your symptoms to determine not just how to help symptoms, but to address the cause of your vertigo. If he feels he may be able to help you, he will proceed with the next steps.
Strive to Establish Harmony With The Bite, Muscles, and Joint
We will accurately measure your proper physiologic jaw relationship. We'll then attempt to draw the link between how your physiology functions and your vertigo symptoms.
Our office uses highly trained clinical techniques and non-invasive technology to treat your issue with vertigo. This is customized to your particular condition.
Track Results
We'll follow up with your progress and make changes as necessary in an attempt to help alleviate your vertigo.
Other Common Underlying Causes of Vertigo And Their Treatment Options
Meniere's Disease
Meniere's disease is a balance disorder caused by inner ear abnormalities. It can lead to headaches, hearing loss, and sudden "attacks" of vertigo, among other symptoms. In the early stages of Meniere's disease, symptoms quickly subside after an attack passes, but in the later stages, effects like imbalance and vertigo can persist.
While treatments like medication and steroidal ear injections can make a difference, Meniere's disease is also associated with TMJ disorders. With the use of our advanced technology and methods, we hope to relieve your vertigo.

Vestibular Neuritis
Vestibular neuritis is an inner ear disorder that affects the function of the vestibular nerve, which communicates information about your body's position to your brain. This dysfunction can lead to motion sickness, vomiting, and severe vertigo.
An ENT is the best person to visit for help with vestibular neuritis. Dr. Lorio can connect you with highly qualified specialists in the Baton Rouge area. Treatments include steroid therapy and medication, but vestibular rehabilitation is a popular first option. This type of physical therapy involves exercises to better control eye, neck, and head movement, which in turn allows you to better address dizziness and find relief from vertigo.
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, or BPPV, is a common inner ear disorder in which miniscule crystals of calcium called canaliths detach from the organs of the vestibular system and float freely in the fluid of the inner ear, creating imbalance and dizziness. Spells of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo are often triggered by sudden head movements, and the condition is typically found in those over 50.
BPPV is also best addressed by an ENT doctor. Treatments for BPPV include medication and vestibular rehabilitation, but your ENT will likely recommend you first try canalith repositioning exercises. This series of deliberate movements is intended to guide the canaliths to another area of the ear where they won't cause dizziness and can be more easily reabsorbed into the body. If canalith repositioning does not work to alleviate your BPPV symptoms, your ENT may recommend surgical options.

What Baton Rouge Has to Say About Our Doctor
I can’t thank Dr. Lorio enough for how he has changed my quality of life. I went in with really bad tmj pain after being told by a doctor that it wasn’t anything serious and to continue taking Tylenol for the pain. I was taking two Tylenol every 4 hours it seemed! Thankfully once I started my appointments and received my mouth orthotic I felt immediate relief! Dr. Lorio is very knowledgeable and his attention to detail is commendable. It just feels like thank you isn’t enough but Thank you Thank you Thank you!!
View on GoogleDr. Keith Lorio is the GURU of TMJ in Baton Rouge and is a true professional, he stands out in every way among his peers in the world of Dentistry. His success rate, and expertise with headaches, jaw soreness, dizziness, etc. will cure or definitely improve your situation above and beyond all the rest. Plus, he's a really nice guy!! Highly recommended!!
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